Year 9, #1

13 November 2009
Home of Bp. Rahayu Supanggah, Benawa, Palur

The first klenengan of the ninth year of Pujangga Laras was held on Friday, 13 November 2009 at the home of Dr. Rahayu Supanggah in Benawa. Unfortunately, although it was the first in a new year and rather important for that reason, I was unable to show up until 11:30 pm!

My flight from Jakarta was delayed until 9 pm, and then the plane had take off troubles. I actually wanted to get off the plane I had such a bad feeling at that point, but they wouldn’t let people get off, we just waited on the runway! Finally at about 9:45 we took off, landed in Solo at 10:45, then I had to go home to Soniten and take a mandi (had been up since 6 am and had taught all day), and got to Pak Panggah’s at about midnight, just as they were taking their 45 minute dinner break. They started up again about 1 am and played for 45 minutes or so while I was there—that’s all I heard!

Luckily, mas Wakidi had gone a few days early, as a dhalang elder was very ill. So he was already there and able to facilitate so that the klenengan went ahead anyway. And MANY THANKS to Rachel Hand, who took copious notes on the goings-on, so that I can provide the following. Rachel also recorded the klenengan and gave the recording straight to Jon Rea who was leaving to go back to the USA, so that he could pass it on to the committee. So I wasn’t really in attendance at the klenengan, nor did I listen to the recording before writing this report! But it’s the best we can do at this point.

A few unusual happenings to note:

  • Pak Dalimin has decided to rejoin the Pujangga Laras klenengan, after a long illness, so he was back for the first time and in fact planned the first few gendhing.
  • Ki Manteb Sudarsono was in attendance, for the very first time in Pujangga Laras history. I had recently translated for him for a performance in Jakarta, and I think he came as a courtesy—a kind of respectful way to say thank you.
  • We have raised the amounts the musicians receive very slightly. (Most musicians received 80,000 rupiah for many years and are now receiving 100,000 rupiah, or about US$11. Sindhen receive a bit more, as do the 5-6 elder musicians who serve as semi-figure heads—Bp-s Wakidjo, Wakidi, Yadi, Dalimin, Darsono, Mujiono).

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

(notes from Rachel Hand)

Gd Bonang Majemuk Pl 5

Bonang Barung: Legiyo
Bonang P: Marman
Panembung: Panggah
Slenthem: Wardi
Kendhang: Wakidjo
Penunthung: Kuat
Demung: Sular
Saron: Tulus
Peking: Suwar
Kenong: Pahang
Gong: Hali

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Gd Bonang Sidamukti Sl 6

Bonang: Dalimin
Panembang: Ngahono

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Gd Gondrong kal Ldr Thona-Thani, Pl 5

Rebab: Yadi
Gender: Karno
Gender Panerus: Joko Sabar
Gambang: Minarto
Suling: Ngahono
Siter: Priya
Sindhen: Tugini, Yayuk “Triagan”, Parni, Mulyani, Sumini, Ratni, Warti, Yèni (ISI student)
Gerong: Darsono "Jepang", Widodo, Hartono, Iyasa, Tukimin, Parno

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Gd Pujangga - unidentified ladrang - Ayak2 Anjang Mas Sl6

Gambang: Wakiyo

[Thanks to John Gilbert for noticing that the ladrang was not ladrang Sobrang.]

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Gd Menyang Kasilir - Gonjang Ganjing Pl 6

Bonang: Legiyo
Ciblon: Wakidi

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Gd Jongkang - Ldr Kapidhondong - Ktw Sinom - Ayak2 Rangkep - Palaran Pangkur, Palaran Mijil Sl 9

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Bawa Sekar Lontang Kasmaran Gd Majemuk - Ldr Manis - Ayak2 Mijil Larasati Pl 7

Rebab: Darsono "cilik"
Gender: Darsono "jepang"
Kendhang: Kuat
Gambang: Minarto/Joko
Slenthem: Sular
Gender Panerus: Sutat

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  • Rachel, England
  • Jon Rea, New York
  • Abbie, New York
  • Bryan Camphire, New York
  • Jenny, England
  • Joe, England
  • Deborah, France
  • Hitomi, Osaka, Japan
  • Dave, England
  • Sylvie, France
  • Ki Manteb Sudarsono
  • Wawan
  • Hendra
  • Singgih
  • Jarwo
  • Danis
  • Russid
  • Peni
  • Kamso
  • Mulyadi
  • Pardi
  • Raji


We spent: Rp. 7,565,000 or $800 ($1 = 9,450)