Year 6, #5

16 December 2006
Home of Bp. Wito in Sraten, Klathen

Dear Friends,

Last night, we had the 5th klenengan in the SIXTH fiscal year of Pujangga Laras at the home of Bp. Wito in Sraten, Klathen. It started at 8:30 pm (got to Klathen late as it took awhile to get going from Solo) and went until 2 am.

This was a VERY special klenengan. I think it could be said that the gendhing were the most varied ever in the history of the klenengan. Gendhing were a mix of Solo klasik (the more standard as well as Kepatihan), Nartosabdo popular gendhing as well as the more obscure, pieces by Ki Mujoko, and 2 new compositions by Pak Wito.

From Solo we brought Bp’s Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Wakiyo, Kamso, Raji, Karno, Priyo, Joko Sabar, Pahang, Ripto,Ngahono and Djoko Tipes. Ibu-s Mulyani, Parni,Tugini and Bero.

They met up with 6 local musicians from Pak Wito’s bapak-bapak group as well as, quite notably Ibu Tantinah, a very famous sindhen from Ceper, Klathen who formerly sang with Ki Nartosabdo. Also, notably they met up with 7 extremely talented and well-known Klathen musicians:

  • Bp. Gendhon: former member of Condhong Raos (Nartosabdo’s group) and former rebab player for Ki Mujoko, currently rebab player for Ki Manteb Soedarsono
  • Bp. Warsito: also formerly of Condhong Raos and played with Ki Mujoko, now Ki Manteb’s bonang player
  • Bp. Sajuri: also Condhong Raos and player for Ki Mujoko, now gerong with Ki Purbo Asmoro
  • Bp. Bandi: also Condhong Raos and player for Ki Mujoko, now bonang with Ki Purbo Asmoro
  • Bp. Bambang Siswanto: well-respected gender player in many settings and member of Ki Purbo Asmoro’s group
  • Bp. Ripto: well-known local Klathen musician
  • Ki Slamet Gotri: well-known dhalang from Klathen

The next klenengan will most likely be January 27 or 28 in Benawa.

—Kitsie Emerson, Solo/Jakarta

Acara Gendhing

  1. Gd Bn Sidamulya kt 4 kr mg 8 pl 5 (gendhing by Bp. Wito)

    bn: Warsito
    kd: Yadi
    penunthung: Wakidjo

  2. Gd Wasi kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Pulasta, pt kedhu, Ayak-ayakan Anjang Mas, sl 6 (gendhing by Bp. Wito)

    (Pulasta is from Pu=Pujangga, “las”= Laras, “ta”=Surakarta)

    rb: Gendhon
    gd: Bambang Siswanto
    kd : Yadi
    gb: Priyo
    bn: Warsito

  3. Gd. Logondhang (bedhayan, Nartosabdo) kt 2 kr mg Ldr kalj Sinom Logondhang

    Jn Salake kaseling Ldr. Kapirekta, pl 6 (Solo lawas)

    Jn Adu Semu, pl 6 (Ki Mujoko)

    rb: Gendhon
    gd: Bambang Siswanto
    kd: Wito
    bn: Warsito
    gb. Wakiyo

    listen to audio

    (Pak Wito had made a special point to play kendhang for this as he often gently critiques Solonese drummers as not really using the correct irama for Nartosabdo bedhayan, different from Solonese bedhayan, and he wanted to give an example. Mas Wakidi LOVED his irama and was playing very close attention the whole time, tapping his leg with his eyes closed.)

  4. Gd. Titipati kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Turida Asmara (by Ki Mujoko), pt Kedhu

    rb: Wahyo
    gd: Karno
    kd gd: Yadi
    cib : Wakidi
    gb: Priyo
    bn: Warsito

  5. pt sl 9 wantah Bawa (Sajuri) dhawah Gd. Lara-Lara kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr (yes ladrang not ktw) Kasatriyan (Ntsbdo) dados Ayak-ayakan Mataraman—Srepegan Mataraman mawi rambangan Dhandhanggula Mataraman (Tantinah), Pangkur Mataraman (Narsi)—Srepegan Mataraman

    listen to audio

  6. pt pl 6 jugag Bawa (Sajuri) dhawah Gd Greget Pekalongan kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr Erang ktp Ktw Ganggeng Kanyut

    rb: Raji
    gd: Karno
    kd: Wakidjo
    cib: Wakidi
    gb: Priyo
    bn: Yadi

    listen to audio

  7. pt slendro manyura wantah

    listen to audio

    Gd Loro-Loro Gendong kt 2 kr mg Ldr Loro-Loro Topeng ktp Ktw Branta Mentul dados Ayak-ayakan Pamungkas

    rb: Raji
    gd: Kamso
    kd: Wakidi
    bn: Yadi
    gb: Wakiyo

    listen to audio

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Gendhon, Wahyo, Raji
  • Gender: Bambang Siswanto, Karno, Kamso
  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wito, Wakidi
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Priyo
  • Sindhen:Tantinah, Mulyani, Parni, Tugini, Bero, Narsi, Tarni
  • Gerong: Sajuri, Ripto/Klathen
  • Bonang: Warsito, Yadi
  • Gender Penerus: Joko Sabar
  • Siter: Priyo, Djoko Tipes
  • Suling: Ngahono
  • Balungan: Pahang, Ripto/Solo
  • Slenthem: Slamet Gotri

Remainder was all from the local Saratin, Klathen group, directed by Bp. Wito:

  • Wahono
  • Pasimin
  • Wakidi/Klathen
  • Kasimin
  • Nur
  • Suripto


  • Miki
  • Mulyadi, Ljiwetan
  • Purbo Asmoro
  • Panggah
  • Waridi


This month we spent Rp. 7,175,000 (about $795) on the klenengan, as we had to give the musicians some extra for the travel time to Klathen and also there ended up being more Klathen musicians than we expected once we got there