Year 3, #1

Saturday, 19 July 2003
Kerajinan Gamelan Bp. Mulyadi, Lojiwetan, Solo

Dear Friends,

Last night we had the first klenengan of the THIRD year running of our north-American sponsored event in Solo.

The klenengan last night was lively and well-attended. It’s been a busy past few weeks in Solo and a number of people had other gigs, mostly wayang. Still, there were over 30 musicians there and we spent Rp. 4,500,000 or $557 (Rp 8100 = $1). There were a record number of foreigners listening, and therefore a record number of mikes, along with a few video and cameras, but the musicians seemed completely unaffected one way or another. I think this particular group of musicians has gotten quite used to being documented!

We had 4 musicians attending for the first time: Ibu Yayuk/Triyagan, a freelance sindhen of great popularity, Ibu Keni, wife of Bp. Karman and now singing with dhalang Ki Warseno Slenk, Ibu Ratmi, a singing student of Bp. Ripto’s, and Bp. Marman, the original gender player for Anom Soeroto back in the 60’s.

The next klenengan was scheduled for Saturday, 16 August. However the musicians requested last night that it be moved to Sunday, 17 August. On the 16th most of them have neighborhood responsibilities in preparation for the 17th (Independence Day). They have to take part in the preparations, but will in fact be free on the actual night of the 17th.

Next klenengan will be SUNDAY, 17 AUGUST.

Report written by Kitsie Emerson, 20 July 2003

Acara Gendhing

(Sometimes the musicians agree ahead of the klenengan on the first few gendhing, but the only planned gendhing tonight was Muntap—requested by Pak Wahyo.)

  1. Gd. Muntap kt 4 kr mg 8, pt jugag, pl 5

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Karno
    Kd: Yadi
    Penunthung: Kamso
    Gb: Karman
    Bn: Dalimin

  2. Gd. Kembang Tiba kt 4 kr mg 8 kalj. Ldr. Moncer Alus, pt jugag, sl 6

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd: Yadi
    Pn: Wakidjo
    Gb: Wakiyo
    Bn: Dalimin

    (There’s actually gerongan for both gongan of Moncer Alus (wilet), but the gerong section didn’t realize what ladrang it was until too late—you could tell by their faces, they would have sung in both gongan if they’d caught on in timeá..)

  3. Gd. Mayangsari kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr Playon, pt ngelik, pl 5

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd; Karno
    Kd Gd:Yadi
    Cib: Wakidjo
    Gb: Karman
    Bn: Dalimin

  4. Gd. Lobaningrat kt 4 arang mg 8 kalj Ldr. Wilujeng, wilet, pt jugag, sl 6

    Rb: Wahyo
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    Cib: Wakidjo
    Gb: Wakiyo
    Bn Dalimin

    (It’s been the trendy thing to do off and on for the past 3-4 years—Wilujeng in irama wilet. And sometimes, although obviously not tonight, in sanga. Gerongan kinanthi in both gongan, and balungan nibani.)

  5. Gd. Rebeng kt 4 kr mg 8, pl 6

    Rb: Panggah
    Gd: Karno
    Kd: Yadi
    Bn: Mardi

  6. Pt sl 9 wantah Bawa (Panut) dawah Gd. Genjong Guling kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj Ldr. Kembang Tanjung

    Rb: Panggah
    Gd: Kamso
    Kd Gd: Yadi
    Cib: Wakidi
    Gb: Wakiyo
    Bn: Mardi

    (Again, the gerong section seemed to mean to do gerong in the merong, but forgot until it was too lateá.)

    They didn’t go to a whole ayak and palaran suite because it was 11:50 and they wanted to do the mulyararas at midnight.



    (Musicians play at midnight with lights off and gadhon only—no sindhen.)

    For Bp. Sardiman, gender player (Kusuma recordings, Mangkunegaran, ASKI teacher) who passed away Saturday, 12 July. (Pak Yadi mentioned to Pak Panggah just before starting that one of Pak Sardiman’s favorite pieces was Laler Mengeng.)

  7. Gd. Laler Mengeng kt 2 arang mg Ldr. Panjang Ilang, pt jugag (cengkok miring—yes, that’s right)

    Rb: Panggah
    Gd: Wakidjo
    Kd: Yadi
    Gb: Wakiyo

  8. Jn. Uler Kambang (Yayuk), sl 9
    Jn Glathik Glindhing (Ratmi), sl 9

    Kd: Wakidi
    Gd: Wakidjo
    Gb: Wakiyo

  9. Lgm Gagad Enjang (Yayuk), pl 6
    Lgm Impenku (Tarini), pl 6
    Lgm Tamansari (Yayuk), pl 6
    Lgm Meh Rahina (Parni), pl 6

    Kd: Wakidi
    Gd: Kamso/Pahang
    Rb: Ngahono
    Gb: Karman
    Bn; Sagimin

    (They very, very rarely have done langgam at this klenengan, despite Bp. Darsono “Jepang’s” repeated requests. Tonight, probably inspired by Ibu Yayuk’s presence—known for her excellent langgam singing—they did 4. And Bp. Darsono wasn’t in attendance! Many musicians made a variety of joking comments on the theme of “the one who always asks for langgam will wish he were here”)

  10. Pt manyura wantah Bawa (Hartono/RRI) dhawah Gd. Widosari kt 2 kr mg 4 kalj. Ldr. Lipursari terus Ayak-ayakan Mijil Larasati

    Rb: Darsono “cilik”
    Gd: Pahang
    Kd gd: Wakidjo
    Cib: Wawan
    Gb: Wakiyo
    Bn: Sagimin

Musicians Attending

  • Rebab: Wahyo, Panggah, Ngahono, Darsono “cilik”
  • Gender: Kamso, Karno, Wakidjo, Pahang
  • Kendhang: Yadi, Wakidjo, Wakidi, Wawan
  • Sindhen: Mulyani, Parni, Tarini, Yayuk, Munirah, Keni, Sumini, Ratmi
  • Gerong: Panut, Yasa, Budi, Samin, Agus
  • Gambang: Wakiyo, Karman
  • Gender Peerus: Joko Sabar
  • Siter: Joko Tipes
  • Suling: Tarno
  • Bonang: Dalimin, Sagimin, Mardi
  • Bonang Penerus: Mardi, Rajiman
  • Gong: Prapto
  • Slenthem: Ripto, Karno
  • Kenong: Sarsidi
  • Ketuk: Mujiono
  • Peking: Wardjiah
  • Balung: Ngatno, Sutat, Pahang, Marman, Wiyono, Harta, Hartono, Raji


  • Marc Benamou, USA
  • Greg McCourt, USA
  • Andy McGraw, USA
  • Jessica Zike, USA
  • Steve Laronga, USA
  • Nicole, USA
  • Marion, Germany
  • Martin, Germany
  • Laura Romano, Italy
  • Giovanni, Italy
  • Rosalea, Italy
  • Kaoru, Japan
  • Fumiko “sapi”, Japan (that’s her recognized nickname, to distinguish her from other “Fumiko’s”, because she loves to collect cow paraphenalia)
  • Akira, Japan
  • Suguri, Japan
  • Niamh, Ireland
  • Kelly, Ireland
  • Sophie, England
  • Thom, Australia
  • Chris, France
  • Suzanna, Hungary
  • Geza, Hungary
  • Mulyadi, Lojiwetan
  • A few Laweyan residents